
Maximum Rollersports

Code of Conduct

Skate Australia

Skate Australia 2025 Membership Terms and Conditions

By completing this member application and submitting payment you acknowledge and accept to comply with and abide by the terms and conditions of being a member of Skate Australia (“SA”). If the person completing this member application is under the age of eighteen (18) then a parent/guardian will be required to provide the following declarations on your behalf and by doing so will ensure that you always comply with the terms and conditions of membership.

Your membership is conditional on you ticking the box that confirms you have read and agreed to this statement. Please read this document in full. It is important that you understand and agree to the terms of the Skate Australia membership application. By ticking the box, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to these terms and conditions.

The following must be read carefully.  

1. Upon submitting this membership application, you will become a member of Skate Australia Ltd (ABN 55 164 973 409) (SA). These terms and conditions (Terms), comprise a contract between you and SA which is necessary and reasonable for offering access to SA’s services, events, and facilities. You acknowledge that you will be bound by and agree to comply with such rules, terms and conditions as may be imposed by SA. You agree to follow any rules, policies and/or directions set by SA and you understand that if you fail to comply with any such rules or directions, you will not be permitted to access SA’s events, services, and offers and no refund will be given. 

2.  In agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you make application for membership of SA with the club or group listed and declare that:

a)    You are eligible to participate in competition and events according to the constitution of Skate Australia.

b)    You agree to abide by all rules and by-laws of Skate Australia, World Skate, and other affiliated bodies as amended from time to time; and

c)     You agree to abide by and comply with all policies issued and amended from time to time by Skate Australia and World Skate.

3.     Membership Season: SA 2025 membership season runs from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. The following membership categories are in place for the 2024 season:

a)    Competitive Member: Competing member (National, State, and Local Competitions)

b)    Associate Member: Non-Competing member (administration, official, referee not on skates)

c)     Development Member: Training and Social Activities – Not competition (includes official and referees on skates)

d)    Participation Member: Participation programming and activities

e)    Coaching Member

f)      Come and Try Participant

4.     Membership of SA is available to all individuals of all ages.

5.     Membership will not be finalized until:

a)    All online mandatory details have been completed

b)    Annual membership fee received in full

c)     All outstanding debts or disciplinary actions are resolved

d)    All mandatory documents such as Valid Working with Children Checks are uploaded with your membership.

6. Membership Refund Policy: Individuals may request a refund if they are unable to compete / use their membership. The request for a refund must be sent to admin@skateaustralia.org.au. The following conditions apply when requesting a refund:

a)    A full refund of the SA membership fee, less a 10% administration fee (minimum of $5), will be issued upon receipt of a current medical certificate where:

                      I.        The request is received by Skate Australia within 30 days of membership registration being submitted

   II.        All other conditions as per above have been met.

   III.       Skate Australia will issue refunds only for the relevant SA fees paid. Club and State Association fee refunds will be at their discretion and will need to be requested directly through the relevant person at the nominated organization.

b)    Event entries, education course and national team refund information can be discussed with the admin team at admin@skateaustralia.org.au

7.     Membership inclusions

a)    The SA membership for 2025 grants you access to events within your state association (and where relevant access to enter national and international events pending qualification).

b)    Insurance – SA membership provides you with access to insurance cover for certain activities undertaken whilst engaging in our sports. For full details of inclusions and exclusions related to insurance, please see SA Insurance

8.     In agreeing to the 2025 SA Membership terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following:

a)    All policies outlined on the SA Policies, including but not limited to: Skate Australia Ltd Constitution, National Integrity Framework, Member Protection Policy, Child Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy.

b)    Members are required to cooperate fully with any investigations conducted by SA, its affiliates, or external integrity bodies, including providing information and attending hearings if required.

c)     All determinations and decisions made by SA regarding sport integrity matters must be adhered to.

d)    Members must complete any mandatory integrity education or training sessions as prescribed by SA to ensure awareness and compliance with integrity obligations

e)    Members must report any known or suspected breaches of integrity-related policies (e.g., doping, competition manipulation, child safeguarding, or member protection) to SA or the relevant integrity body.

f)      Members are prohibited from betting on any events or competitions overseen by SA or its affiliates.

9.     Membership Cancellation: Where you breach one or more of these Terms, including but not limited to the standards of behavior set out in Skate Australia policies listed above, SA may in its sole discretion, without otherwise limiting the rights available to it under these Terms or at law:

a)    Immediately upon written notice to you:

                      I.        Terminate your SA membership; or

                     II.        Suspend your SA membership for a period of up to three months, as otherwise determined by SA in its discretion.

b)    Issue a written warning to you.

c)     Prohibit your entry to, or immediately expel you from a SA event.

10.  If your membership is:

a)    Terminated by SA under clause 6(a)(i), you:

                      I.        Are liable to pay SA any outstanding fees owed

                     II.        Are not liable to pay any additional fees other than specified in (i) above; or

b)    Suspended by SA under clause 6(a)(ii), you will not have access to any of SAs events, facilities, or services for the duration of your suspension.

11.  You acknowledge and agree that in the event your SA membership is terminated by SA in accordance with clause 6, you release and indemnify SA in relation to any costs, expenses, actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands or damages arising directly or indirectly in relation to such termination.

12.  Change of Rules/Terms and Conditions: SA reserves the right to change, modify or update these Terms, any other rules and/ or terms and conditions relating to your membership. Any such changes will be made with reasonable notice and displayed on the SA Website

13. Risk warning and waiver: Your participation in SA sanctioned activities may involve risks which can result in personal injury, death, or property damage. Prior to undertaking any such recreational activity, you should ensure you are aware of all the risks involved, including those risks associated with any health condition you may have. By submitting this membership application, you acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation in the services provided by SA may involve risk. You agree and undertake any such risk voluntarily and at your own risk.

14.  You understand that at any SA event or endorsed activity, you may be photographed and/or videotaped by an authorized or endorsed representative of SA. You acknowledge and agree:

a)    That any images or likeness captured by SA are owned by SA and that they may be used by SA for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary.

b)    That you consent to SA using your name, image, likeness, and performance in any SA events, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the event and SA.

c)     That SA is not responsible for those images or likenesses captured by persons who are not an official or endorsed representative of SA.

15.  You understand that your membership details are collected by SA for the purpose of conducting and creating your membership permitting you to enter Events conducted by SA including but not limited to identifying participants in an Event, recording results, communicating with you and other participants about Events and to assist SA in improving and marketing its goods and services.

16.  You understand that your membership details may be provided to third-party contractors for the purpose of data collection to improve Skate Australia services and programming. Data will be de-identified and stored securely.

17.  You understand that by supplying your e-mail address as part of this application that you consent to receive regular emails from SA to stay informed about events conducted by SA.

18.  You understand that your personal information is being collected by SA in compliance with the regulations set out in the Privacy Act 1988, as amended (“Privacy Act”), and the Australian Privacy Principles for the purpose of conducting and facilitating my membership of Skate Australia. You understand that if you choose not to share certain personal information your membership application may be rejected at SA’s discretion. You understand that you can access, change, and update information SA has about you at any time by contacting SA, subject to the terms of the Privacy Act. You understand that SA will endeavor to respond to your request within 30 days, that SA may be contacted during normal working hours via email (admin@skateaustralia.org.au) and that SA will send me a full copy of the Privacy Policy should you require more information. You agree to the sharing of my personal information with SA and its insurers in relation to any incident or personal illness that has reasonable and direct relation to your membership and/or any event that you enter.

19.  Where you are responsible for and or cause any deliberate damage to property owned by SA, you agree to reimburse SA for the cost of the repair of, or the replacement of SA’s property and acknowledge that SA may terminate my membership.

20.  Acknowledge that your State Member and/or parent body may apply additional terms and conditions in relation to your registration, including, but not limited to the collection of further information.

21.  Where you provide your contact details, you agree that the information is current and accurate at the time of membership registration and will be updated by you as required within one (1) month of any change.

Declaration: Skate Australia Ltd. (SA) has a duty of care to its members and to the public who interact with its employees, volunteers, members, and others involved with SA activities. As part of this duty of care and as a requirement of SA’s Member Protection Policy, SA must enquire into the background of those applying for, undertaking, or remaining in any work (paid or voluntary) that involves working with people under the age of 18 years. At SA’s discretion, we may require any member over the age of 18 to undertake a Working with Children Check. Therefore, we require all members to confirm the declaration below:

a)    ‘I do not have any criminal convictions or findings of guilt for offences involving sexual activity, act of indecency, child pornography.’

   b)    ‘I do not have any criminal charge pending before the courts. I have not had any disciplinary abuse or child proceedings brought against me by an employer, sporting organisation or similar body involving child abuse, sexual misconduct, or harassment, acts of violence, intimidation, or other forms of harassment.’

I declare I agree to the above statements and comply with Skate Australia’s requirements for involvement in SA activities.

Skate Australia membership is a calendar year 1 January to 31 December.  All memberships expire on 31 December annually.

Skate New South Wales


For the purpose of the declaration in this form 'SNSW' means and includes SkateNSW, any of its State Branches or clubs, its subsidiaries, its members (including Clubs) and their respective directors, officers, members, servants or agents.

By completing this member application and submitting payment you acknowledge and accept to comply with and abide by the terms and conditions of being a member of SkateNSW (“SNSW”).

If the person completing this member application is under the age of eighteen (18) then refer to the SEVERABILITY section.

Your membership is conditional on you ticking the box that confirms you have read and agreed to this statement.

Please read this document in full. It is important that you understand and agree to the terms of the SkateNSW membership application. By ticking the box, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to these terms and conditions.

The following must be read carefully:

  1. Upon submitting this membership application, you will become a member of SkateNSW Incorporated (Y0017512) (SNSW). These terms and conditions (Terms), comprise a contract between you and SNSW which is necessary and reasonable for offering access to SNSW’s services, events, and facilities. You acknowledge that you will be bound by and agree to comply with such rules, terms and conditions as may be imposed by SNSW. You agree to follow any rules, policies and/or directions set by SNSW and you understand that if you fail to comply with any such rules or directions, you will not be permitted to access SNSW’s events, services, and offers and no refund will be given.
  2. In agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you make application for membership of SNSW with the club or group listed and declare that:
    1. You are eligible to participate in competition and events according to the constitution of SkateNSW Incorporated
    2. You agree to abide by all rules and by-laws of SkateNSW, Skate Australia, World Skate, and other affiliated bodies as amended from time to time; and
    3. You agree to abide by and comply with all policies issued and amended from time to time by SkateNSW, Skate Australia and World Skate.
  3. Membership Season: SNSW 2025 membership season runs from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. The following membership categories are in place for the 2025 season: 
    1. Premium Member (CAT 1): Members may participate anywhere in Skate Australia (or Affiliated State) Sanctioned events, including World Skate Sanctioned events (subject to selection/qualification) and/or international events hosted by World Skate Affiliated National Bodies (subject to SA participation sanction). Participation Sanctions may be applied for, for non-Skate Australia Sanctioned events (subject to best practise rules, safety, and risk management).
    2. Competitive Member (CAT 2): Members may participate in Interclub/Interleague SkateNSW Sanctioned events within NSW/ACT. On application, this may be extended to Interclub/Interleague Regional events sanctioned by Skate Australia Affiliated States. But does not include Open Sanctioned events, such as Interstate competitions or State Championships.
    3. Development Member (CAT 3): Members may participate in Interclub/Interleague SkateNSW Sanctioned Development events within NSW/ACT only. On application, this may be extended to Interclub/Interleague Regional Development events sanctioned by Skate Australia Affiliated States. But does not include Open Sanctioned events, such as Interstate competitions or State Championships.
    4. Participation Member (CAT 4): Members may participate in Intraclub (within their club, with their club members) SkateNSW Sanctioned events club.
    5. Associate Member (CAT 5): All members that participate off Skates as Coaches, Officials, and/or Committee Members.
    6. Coaching Member (CAT 1): All members aged 16+ that Coach Skating at Recreational to Competition level whether Accredited, Partially Accredited (in Training) or not Accredited, are now required to register as a Coach Member to be covered by the Skate Australia Professional Indemnity Insurance.
      1. The Coach Membership includes Complimentary CAT 1 Premium membership.
      2. A Coach (whether the Coach is on Skates or off Skates) is someone that is aged 16+ and provides Instruction or Direction on how to Skate/Train/Participate in sanctioned Roller / Skate Sports activities recognised by Skate Australia, without the direct supervision of an Accredited Coach.
      3. Volunteer coaches / assistant coaches that assist (under the direct supervision of) an Accredited Coach may continue to join at any category (CAT 1-5) depending on their required level of participation / insurance coverage.
    7. Volunteers
    8. Come and Try Participant
  4. Membership of SA is available to all individuals of all ages.
  5. Membership will not be finalized until:
    1. All online mandatory details have been completed
    2. Annual membership fee received in full
    3. All outstanding debts or disciplinary actions are resolved
    4. All mandatory documents such as Valid Working with Children Checks are uploaded with your membership.
  6. Membership Refund Policy: Individuals may request a refund if they are unable to compete / use their membership. The request for a refund must be sent to info@skatensw.org.au. The following conditions apply when requesting a refund:
    1. A full refund of the SNSW membership fee, less a 10% administration fee (minimum of $5), will be issued upon receipt of a current medical certificate where:
      1. The request is received by SkateNSW within 30 days of membership registration being submitted
      2. All other conditions as per above have been met.
      3. Note: SkateNSW will issue refunds only for the relevant SNSW fees paid. Club and Skate Australia fee refunds will be at their discretion and will need to be requested directly through the relevant person at the nominated organization.
    2. Event entries, education course and state team refund information can be discussed with the relevant Branch Committee.
  7. Membership inclusions
    1. The SNSW membership for 2025 grants you access to events within you state association (and where relevant access to enter national and international events pending qualification).
    2. Insurance – SA membership provides you access to insurance cover for certain activities undertaken whilst engaging in our sports. For full details of inclusions and exclusions related to insurance, please see here
  8. In agreeing to the 2025 SNSW Membership terms and conditions, you will adhere to the following:
    1. All policies outlined on the SA website, including but not limited to: Skate Australia LTD Constitution, National Integrity Framework, Member Protection Policy, Child Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy
    2. All SkateNSW and SkateNSW branch policies including but not limited to: SkateNSW Incorporated Statement of Purpose & Rules – refer to the RULES section.
    3. All determinations and decisions made by SNSW regarding sport integrity matters.
  9. Membership Cancellation: Where you breach one or more of these Terms, including but not limited to the standards of behaviour set out in Skate Australia and/or SkateNSW policies listed above, SNSW may in its sole discretion, without otherwise limiting the rights available to it under these Terms or at law:
    1. Immediately upon written notice to you:
      1. Terminate your SNSW membership; or
      2. Suspend your SNSW membership for a period of up to three months, as otherwise determined by SNSW in its discretion.
    2. Issue a written warning to you.
    3. Prohibit your entry to, or immediately expel you from a SNSW event.
  10. If your membership is:
    1. Terminated by SNSW under clause 6(a)(i), you:
      1. Are liable to pay SA any outstanding fees owed
      2. Are not liable to pay any additional fees other than specified in (i) above; or
    2. Suspended by SA under clause 6(a)(ii), you will not have access to any of SNSW events, facilities, or services for the duration of your suspension.
  11. You acknowledge and agree that in the event your SNSW membership is terminated by SNSW in accordance with clause 6, you release and indemnify SNSW in relation to any costs, expenses, actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands or damages arising directly or indirectly in relation to such termination.
  12. Change of Rules/Terms and Conditions: SNSW reserves the right to change, modify or update these Terms, any other rules and/ or terms and conditions relating to your membership. Any such changes will be made with reasonable notice and displayed on the SNSW website (http://www.skatensw.org.au/).
  13. Risk warning and waiver: Your participation in SNSW sanctioned activities may involve risks which can result in personal injury, death, or property damage. Prior to undertaking any such recreational activity, you should ensure you are aware of all the risks involved, including those risks associated with any health condition you may have. By submitting this membership application, you acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation in the services provided by SNSW may involve risk. You agree and undertake any such risk voluntarily and at your own risk – refer to the RISK WARNING AND WAIVER, the FITNESS TO PARTICIPATE and PREGNANCY sections.
  14. You understand that at any SNSW event or endorsed activity, you may be photographed and/or videotaped by an authorized or endorsed representative of SNSW - refer to the RELEASE AND INDEMNITY section. You acknowledge and agree:
    1. That any images or likeness captured by SNSW are owned by SNSW and that they may be used by SNSW for promotional or other purposes without my further consent being necessary.
    2. That you consent to SNSW using your name, image, likeness, and performance in any SNSW events, at any time, by any form of media, to promote the event and SNSW.
    3. That SNSW is not responsible for those images or likenesses captured by persons who are not an official or endorsed representative of SNSW.
  15. You understand that your membership details are collected by SNSW for the purpose of conducting and creating your membership permitting you to enter Events conducted by SNSW including but not limited to identifying participants in an Event, recording results, communicating with you and other participants about Events and to assist SNSW in improving and marketing its goods and services – refer to the PRIVACY DECLARATION.
  16. You understand that your membership details may be provided to third-party contractors for the purpose of data collection to improve Skate Australia services and programming. Data will be deidentified and stored securely – refer to the PRIVACY DECLARATION.
  17. You understand that by supplying your e-mail address as part of this application that you consent to receive regular emails from SNSW to stay informed about events conducted by SNSW – refer to the PRIVACY DECLARATION.
  18. You understand that your personal information is being collected by SNSW in compliance with the regulations set out in the Privacy Act 1988, as amended (“Privacy Act”), and the Australian Privacy Principles for the purpose of conducting and facilitating my membership of SkateNSW. You understand that if you choose not to share certain personal information that your membership application may be rejected at SNSW’s discretion. You understand that you can access, change, and update information SNSW has about you at any time by contacting SNSW, subject to the terms of the Privacy Act. You understand that SNSW will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 days, that SNSW may be contacted during normal working hours via email (info@skatensw.org.au) and that SNSW will send me a full copy of the Privacy Policy should you require more information. You agree to the sharing of my personal information with SNSW and its insurers in relation to any incident or personal illness that has reasonable and direct relation to your membership and/or any event that you enter – refer to the PRIVACY DECLARATION.
  19. Where you are responsible for and or cause any deliberate damage to property owned by SNSW, you agree to reimburse SNSW for the cost of the repair of, or the replacement of SNSW’s property and acknowledge that SNSW may terminate my membership – refer to the EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY section.
  20. Acknowledge that your Club and/or parent body may apply additional terms and conditions in relation to your registration, including, but not limited to the collection of further information.
  21. Where you provide your contact details, you agree that the information is current and accurate at the time of membership registration and will be updated by you as required within one (1) month of any change.

Declaration: SkateNSW Inc. (SNSW) has a duty of care to its members and to the public who interact with its employees, volunteers, members, and others involved with SNSW activities. As part of this duty of care and as a requirement of SA’s Member Protection Policy, SNSW must enquire into the background of those applying for, undertaking, or remaining in any work (paid or voluntary) that involves working with people under the age of 18 years. At SNSW’s discretion, we may require any member over the age of 18 to undertake a Working with Children Check. Therefore, we require all members to confirm the declaration below:

a)    ‘I do not have any criminal convictions or findings of guilt for offences involving sexual activity, act of indecency, child pornography.’

   b)    ‘I do not have any criminal charge pending before the courts. I have not had any disciplinary abuse or child proceedings brought against me by an employer, sporting organisation or similar body involving child abuse, sexual misconduct, or harassment, acts of violence, intimidation, or other forms of harassment.’

I declare I agree to the above statements and comply with Skate NSW’s requirements for involvement in SNSW activities.

SkateNSW membership is a calendar year 1 January to 31 December.  All memberships expire on 31 December annually.


The provisions (or any part of a provision) of this membership declaration shall be deemed to be severable and the invalidity or enforceability of any provision or any part of a provision of this membership declaration shall not affect the validity of this membership declaration.

Where the applicant is under 18 I declare that I am the parent/guardian of the applicant and I authorize and consent to the applicant undertaking the skating activities. In consideration of the applicant's membership in Skating Australia being accepted, I expressly agree to be responsible for the applicant's behaviour and agree to accept in my capacity as parent or guardian, the terms set out in this membership declaration, including the provision by me of releases and indemnities in the terms set out in this form.

In addition, I agree to be bound by and to comply with Skate Australia (and its State Associations and clubs) constitutions and any regulations and policies made under them.


I agree and acknowledge that the SkateNSW Incorporated Statement of Purpose & Rules:

(a) Constitutes a contract between me and SNSW. I will be bound by and comply with the SNSW Constitution, SNSW Rules and Regulations (Bylaws) and any SNSW policies as well as the rules, regulations and policies of the relevant State Branch and the relevant club;

(b) Is made in the pursuit of common objects, namely the mutual and collective benefits, of SNSW, the members of SNSW (including me) and skating activities; and

(c) Is necessary and reasonable for promoting the objects of SNSW and particularly the advancement and protection of skating activities.


Skating activities can be inherently dangerous and serious accidents can and do happen.

I acknowledge that I am exposed to certain risks during skating activities including but not limited to falling, crashing into another person(s), being physically or mentally injured, impaired, maimed or killed and my property may be damaged lost or destroyed.

I declare that I have voluntarily read and understand this warning and accept and assume the inherent risks in skating activities.


I declare that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in any skating activities.

I will immediately notify SNSW in writing of any change to my medical condition, fitness or ability to participate.

I understand and accept that SNSW relies and will continue to rely upon this declaration as evidence of my fitness and ability to participate.

I acknowledge and agree that:

(a) as a registered member of SNSW, I am a competitor/official with SNSW and am bound by the rules and regulations of SNSW;

(b) the rules and regulations of SNSW are made in the interest of the sport of skating, the players and officials and SNSW, including:

(i) safety and protection of all players and officials;

(ii) fair treatment of all players; and

(iii) encouragement of safe and fair competition;

(c) skating activities are activities in which contact occurs between players and between players and officials. Accordingly there is a risk to the health and wellbeing of myself and my unborn child by my participation in the sport whilst pregnant;

(d) I will be bound by any rule or regulation of SNSW which is in operation from time to time in relation to pregnancy;

(e) I:

(i) indemnify and will keep indemnified Skate Australia (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses brought or commenced by any person at some time in the future in relation to any bodily injury, loss or damage which may have been sustained by me or my unborn child in or while being present at any skating activities or SNSW authorized or organized activity; and

(ii) release Skate Australia (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses brought or commenced by me in relation to any bodily injury, loss or damage which may have been sustained or incurred by me as a result of my participation in any skating activities or my presence at any SNSW authorized or organized activity whilst I am pregnant.

(f) Sports Medicine Australia considers contact sports and collision sports safe only in the first trimester of pregnancy; and

(g) I have been advised that any insurance policy held by Skate Australia includes an exclusion clause in relation to any injury associated with pregnancy and childbirth

In consideration of SNSW accepting my application for membership I, to the extent permitted by law:

1. Release and will release Skate Australia (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses however arising, including but not limited to negligence, that I may have or may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with my membership and /or participation in any Skate Australia authorized or recognized activity; and

2. Indemnify and will keep indemnified Skate Australia (and any of its State Associations or clubs) in respect of any actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses by any person arising as a result of or in connection with my membership and/or participation in any skating activities.

3. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic images being taken of me while participating in any event recognized or authorized by SNSW. I acknowledge and agree that such photographs and electronic images are owned by SNSW and that SNSW may, in its sole discretion, use the photographs for promotional and other purposes without my further consent.

4. I also consent to SNSW using my name, image, likeness and performance in SNSW skating activities at any time to promote aims that SNSW, in its sole discretion, shall determine.

5. I acknowledge that SNSW cannot be responsible, and I agree not to attempt to hold SNSW liable, for any use of any image(s) that SNSW does not expressly authorize.

For more information refer to Skate Australia Privacy Policy

Privacy: I understand that the information I have provided in this form is necessary for the proper management of this activity and for the administration of Skate related activities in Australia.

The information is collected in accordance with the SA Privacy Policy (available at www.skateaustralia.org.au).

SNSW may share my information in accordance with the Privacy Policy and it may also be used to notify me of other events, news, and to offer the provision of services, including by third-party providers, to me.

I understand that the SA Privacy Policy contains information about how I may access and request correction of my personal information held by SNSW, or make a complaint about the handling of my personal information, and provides information about how a complaint will be dealt with by SNSW. If the information is not provided, my application may be rejected or services may be unable to be provided to me.

I acknowledge that if I do not wish to receive promotional material from SNSW sponsors and third parties I may advise in writing or via the opt-out process provided in the relevant communication.

Privacy complaints should be directed in the first instance to integrity@skateaustralia.org.au


I acknowledge that where I am a consumer of recreational services, as defined by any relevant law, certain terms and rights usually implied into a contract for the supply of goods or services may be excluded.

I acknowledge that these implied terms and rights and any liability of Skate Australia (or any of its State Associations or clubs) flowing from them, are expressly excluded to the extent possible by law, by this membership declaration. To the extent of any liability arising, the liability of Skate Australia (or any of its States Associations or clubs) will, at the discretion of the Skate Australia (or any of its State Associations or clubs), be limited in the case of goods, to the replacement, repair or payment of the cost of replacing the goods and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

Maximum Rollersports


By registering as; a member of Maximum Rollersports, a competitor or a any event or training session of Maximum Rollersports & its associated groups, you agree to the following code of conduct.

Everyone is welcome at Maximum Rollersports, period. We don’t tolerate any discrimination based on (but not limited to) sex, race, disability, age, or sexual orientation. It’s not who we are, and we won’t stand for it. We will maintain a space where no one feels threatened or intimidated.

The policy below outlines what we expect from everyone registered with Maximum Rollersports or spectating at Max Arena in terms of conduct - as well as a clear process for when conduct issues arise.

There are some cases where conduct issues may result in revocation of membership or being barred from the premises. We’ve clearly outlined below when this would apply.

Why do we mean by ‘misconduct’?

Misconduct includes, but isn’t limited to: 

·       Unacceptable behaviour towards staff, players, coaches, referees, or spectators of Maximum Rollersports or Max Arena.

·       Any instances of harassment and/or bullying.

How any matter is dealt with is always at the complete discretion of Maximum Rollersports Admin or Max Arena Management.

What do we mean by ‘serious misconduct’? 

Any behaviour or negligence resulting in a fundamental breach of our Code of Conduct that irrevocably destroys the trust and confidence necessary to continue the membership agreement is considered serious misconduct. Examples of offences that will normally be serious misconduct include serious instances of: 

·       Theft

·       Physical violence or bullying

·       Deliberate damage to property

·       Deliberate acts of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


We will not tolerate any bullying at Maximum Rollersports. It creates an unsafe playing environment, causes team and individual relationships to break down, increases player absenteeism, disengagement, and people who are bullied can become distressed, anxious, and withdrawn. It’s a serious issue and we treat it as such. 

We know that bullying can take place through several communication methods, including face to face, email, texts, and social media platforms. This policy therefore covers all methods of communication through which bullying can take place. 

This policy also applies to behaviours that occur:

·       In connection with Maximum Rollersports or Max Arena, even if it occurs outside normal operating hours;

·       During games, for example, when dealing with opponents;

·       At Max Arena related events and functions, for example, Max Cup; and

·       On social media platforms.

The following are some examples of direct bullying: 

·       Abusive, insulting, or offensive language or comments;

·       Violent, aggressive, or intimidating conduct;

·       Belittling or humiliating comments;

·       Victimisation; and

·       Practical jokes or initiation.

The following are some examples of indirect bullying: 

·       Unjustified criticism or complaints; and

·       Spreading misinformation or malicious rumours.

The above examples aren’t an exhaustive list - they’re indicative of the type of behaviours that may constitute bullying. 

Staff and team captains roles

Max Arena staff and Maximum Rollersports team captains have an important role to play in terms of fostering a culture that does not tolerate or encourage harassment, bullying, or violence. If you are a staff member or team captain, you should be committed to ensuring that you do not engage in any of this conduct.

As a team captain, you set the standard for your team/s. This means ensuring you do not engage in this conduct and your team/s understand: this policy, how to report any issues, and the consequences of this conduct. If you observe any harassment, bullying, or violence, you should stop it, warn the person or people involved of the consequences, and contact Max Arena for support. 

We expect all players and spectators to:

·       Not to engage in, aid, abet or encourage harassment, bullying or violence;

·       To behave in a respectful manner; and

·       Treat others at Max Arena with courtesy and respect.

What to do if you’re experiencing bullying, harassment, or violence within the Maximum Rollersports community or at Max Arena? 

If you make a complaint of bullying, harassment, or violence it will be taken seriously and will be dealt with in a confidential manner (except where it’s necessary to disclose information to properly deal with the complaint). You will not be victimised or treated unfairly for making a complaint. If the claim is found to be substantiated, we’ll act in accordance with our Disciplinary policy. Note that any false complaints will result in disciplinary action under the Disciplinary policy. 

If you wish to make a complaint about bullying or harassment, contact Maximum Rollersports admin. You may also discuss any such issue with your team captain at any time.


All players please note, this is our home rink, treat it with pride. Any player causing malicious damage to ANY part of the arena, either on or off the rink (that includes smashing sticks on the boards or kicking the backing boards on the player bench) will be financially responsible for repairs & will also temporarily lose rink access privileges.


For the purpose of the declaration in this form, Maximum Rollersports Club follows the SkateNSW 2025 Memberships Terms and Conditions, with the following noted:

'Club" means 'Maximum Rollersports'

Were no club is meantioned, 'SNSW' shall be considered 'Maximum Rollersports'

By joining the Maximum Rollersports, you give permission for your SkateNSW membership details to be shared with a partner/s for the purposes of verifying currency and level of registration and associated insurance.


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